Friday, 25 April 2008

Mid-week flight threatens Bristol weekend

My friend Ban Ki Moon who heads up the United Nations called me last night well after I had gone to bed. 'BS5!', he said, 'Can you verify this picture you took from the troposphere for us last week?'. I told him it was genuine and I had already confirmed the same to George W Bush after my U-2 spy plane landed at Bristol Airport (they are still in service, you know, and they are great to fly).

Thinking no more of it I went to bed and now on Friday morning I see the Americans have upped the ante against the crazy Iranians roping in the North Koreans too. I hope this doesn't crash my weekend. I already worked 6 days in 5 and I am looking forward to some larks, not to an international pickle about Nuclear facilities.

Off to Devon in a van this morning. Woohoo!


Suburbia said...

Is this the BBQ trip? If so no lighting it on the way down just for fun!!
Should be a sunny day? Hope you see the sea.
I'm on a course today yippee! And have at last got rid of my extra hours, so can relax back into a 3 day week from now on!!

Suburbia said...

Oh yes I meant to say... what do you think about the cloned dogs?!!!! You can't have missed that one, it was on R4 while I was in the shower this am. and I thought of you! (only in as much as how you would see it from your Christian piont of view, you understand!)

Liz Hinds said...

You'll be all right then today. they won't be able to contact you, no mobile signals in Devon.

I am getting rather concerneed that a married lady is fantasising over you while in the shower. I never think about naked men in showers.

Suburbia said...

Liz, what are you sugesting?!

Suburbia said...

Oh come on BS5 it's 7.25 and you're not home yet...I'm bored!

Suburbia said...

You're in the pub aren't you?!

BS5 Blogger said...

Heeeeeeeeeeeee heeeeeeeeeeee! I WAS in the pub. I am blogging now. This really made me laugh!

I had three little pints only, and actually left the pub on a Friday because I wanted to be home with coffee, wine, Pete Tong and a keyboard!

'Mr Spock's pigeon' is about to be written.

Suburbia said...

can't wait! surely a big pint and a small pint measure the same?!
Can you explain the keyboard?

BS5 Blogger said...

Little pints and big pints are VERY different! They measure differently depending on the day of the week and the amount of work one has to do tomorrow.

Keyboard? Why only to blog. I have a desktop, not a laptop, you see.

Suburbia said...

Oh that sort of keyboard. I was visualising you playing along with Tong

BS5 Blogger said...

Too much multi-tasking there, Suburbia!

Good morning, by the way.