Monday, 7 April 2008


This is a picture I just took a moment ago. Sometime over the weekend I noticed my beer management programme had gone off line and there was only one cold one in the fridge so I put two in the freezer to chill for thirty minutes. Unfortunately I was a bit pissed at the time and forgot all about them until I was in Sainsbury's after work today. Here they are in all their frozen glory.

Whilst I was in Sainsbury's I noted that Monday night is a great night to go shopping - tonight my branch was chocca with fabulous women! Loads of attractive sorts about the place and the retailer in me inclined me to a cursory glance at items in baskets - cat food, loose tomatoes,a pint of milk (semi skimmed) and the ingredients of one meal is a total give away for single women (says he with a box of eggs and a loaf of bread in his basket).

Anyhow, there we are - Monday night philosophy and a bacon and pepper omelette on the go.


Anonymous said...

So you spoke more to the catfood than the women?

Suburbia said...

swap washing for shopping then!
Ooh those women!!

Liz Hinds said...

One of the supermarkets tried a singles night, didn't it? I think it even claimed a wedding among its successes.