Thursday, 22 May 2008

Thursday Thinker 3

It's that time of the week - a 'Thinker' post! This week I think Ernie and Bert should decide the US Election.

Ernie and Bert have a knack of grappling with complex issues and boiling them down to the essentials in about three minutes; they see all sides, weigh up the options, consider the outcomes, challenge pre-conceptions and then agree on a choice and get back to whatever else is vexing their day.


Suburbia said...

Send Ernie and Burt NOW. Then we can get it over with in a trice!!
Have a nice day!!

Anonymous said...

I'll settle for that! You've got my vote on who should vote! (groan)

Anonymous said...

But do you have a Rubber Duckie? Is it chubby? Do you sing to it in the bath? Are you awfully fond of it?

BS5 Blogger said...

Too right D'ang! I have a rubber duckie indeed.

scargosun said...

I think you have an idea there. Unfortunately since many closed minded people here in the US think that Burt and Ernie represent a gay couple in a long term relationship, many people would not listen to their ideas.

BS5 Blogger said...

It never ever occurred to me that E and B were gay but when I Googled for a picture this morning the screen went crazy with homosexual speculation. Mental. Show for little kids (and kids of 36) and people read all sorts of hoo-haa into it.

Anonymous said...

I shall give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you understood I was referring to Ernie's 'Rubber Duckie' song -- which you can see on Youtube.