Saturday, 17 May 2008

Bingo BS5

Friday night rock 'n roll in BS5. I went to Bingo where I was years younger than anyone else. I had said in the week that I would go along to the event at our church hall, and even though The Rhubarb was calling, I try to be a man of my word so I braved it after work with a load of fierce old ladies plus the nice seniors I know from church. I got into my stride and won two games with a quiet shout of 'House!' and looks of slight disapproval that as new church Soc' Sec' this might have been a fix. Bingo action went on until 8pm and I then strolled to the pub (having washed up a ton of coffee cups and folded up all the tables) , did a turn on the Karaoke, had 4 beers and came home. All very civilised indeed. Here are my Bingo winnings.

I put my prizes quietly back into the pot and will put them into the next event as I don't really have need for lavender soap and I am not that partial to chocolate. I think I might step up as Bingo caller next time...


Suburbia said...

Ooooh you could have sent me the chos!!;)

BS5 Blogger said...

Ooh bugger - sorry!

Anonymous said...

Definately could have sent the chocolates to any woman you know and it would gave been awesome.

G2G find some chocolate now.

Suburbia said...

You've been tagged over at mine! No obligation though:)

scargosun said...

Excellent show! You could have sent the chocs to your lady friends though. :)

BS5 Blogger said...

Note to self: Think chocs = send to women!

Hee hee, duly chastened.