Friday, 2 May 2008

Three piece Fosters

After nearly a whole week in just a jacket and trousers I have returned to the safe haven of a three piece suit today and a more sober hanky and tie combo' - this one is a hanky and not a sweet bag, or a sock or anything like that! The tie is from a street market in Shanghai - thank you to my bro'!

Oops - picture: seem to have left in the can of fozzie from last night!


Suburbia said...

Hmmmm, or was that brekfast!!!

Anonymous said...

Well as long as it was empty, there's no problem. Otherwise the beer police will decend.

See how well that 3 piece goes down in the slammer...

Anonymous said...

It was Hong Kong in fact, brought fresh after my deportation. You can think of that tie as my 'get out of jail almost free tie.'

So what about Labour, huh? Good for them to get a bloody nose -- good for democracy. And what about London? Is Bozza going to get it?

Been watching 'Discovery Channel' here. TOP concrete action all over the shop.

scargosun said...

Hmm...thought I commented earlier but does not seem to be appearing. What I said was.
You look so great! We Americans are so cas' that I rarely see a 3 piece suit on anyone. Also, today is Friday so we are lucky that people show up with clothing on.

BS5 Blogger said...

Going to worked in the buff, Scargosun? Not in England! :) x

Anonymous said...

Very dapper. I work at one of the only remaining "corporate dress" places in Green Bay, but even we push the limits... I wear mostly jean skirts.

I'm looking forward to cleaning my house this weekend. Yeah! And mow my lawn. If it ever stops raining.