Thursday, 8 May 2008

Thursday Thinker 2

Now this time last week I put up a post called Thursday Thinker with an idea to do a weekly pic' about something that ... well.... makes me think. This was inspired by Suburbia and her weekly 'ABC Wednesday' Post.

This pic' might make you think, it might not; the point of this is not to try to be profound, but just to be here.

This week I have pictured a BASE jumper in Kuala Lumpur (it's not Lummox).

This makes me think...

Total lunatic.



scargosun said...

I think I would have to agree with that statement. Also, that is the first time I have seen a base jumper going feet first.

Suburbia said...

Hi Hope all is well in BS5. nOT QUITE WITH THE REAL WORLD YET BUT GETTING THERE AIDED BY mR mERLOT!!oH HELL HERE i GO AGAIN WITH THE CAPITALS again, sorry! That jumper makes me think..... That would have been a good first date event!!!

Take care:) Sub

BS5 Blogger said...

Hi Scargosun - hey guess password expired on my computer at work today so I reset it as your Blog name! No one's going to crack that! I will be typing Scargosun each working day out of the next thirty.

Hey Sub, capitals and wine? Must be nearly the weekend again!

Anonymous said...

I am thinking:

Is he jumping from those glow in the dark towers that are selotaped together at the sternum. I bet noone walks across the bridge when it's windy. I wonder if the people right in the middle of the bridge and the ground floor get fucked off having to decide whether to go up and cross, go to the lobby, or take a runner and try to hit the helipad.

Anonymous said...

That's just crazy madness! But man what a ride!

Would you ever do that?

Anonymous said...

No, It not me but they jump for that tower quite a bit and it's only 5 minutes walk from my apartment. Never heard one splat yet...