Tuesday, 13 May 2008

A couple of quiet ones...

Oh dear. Out for a quiet school night drink with the chaps last night...

Not a great start to this more sensible year of being 36; I think at least seven people bought me a Guinness. And there was Sambucca.


Dandelion - how nice to see you on comments (and thank you). How are you? Did you feel yesterday's earthquake wherever you are in China? All your friends safe and well, I hope?

Thanks to everyone for kind comments and good wishes. Longer post later after work!

Have a good day wherever you are


Suburbia said...

Great picture! Glad you had a good night:)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for asking, Rich!
I'm in Shanghai, so it was not that serious. They say some buildings in the downtown literally shook, but I didn't feel a thing where I was. It might have been an interesting experience, though..

scargosun said...

Glad you had a fun night and started 36 off with a bang. :) You should have known that eventhough it was a school night that people would be buying the newly minted 36 year old drinks.

Anonymous said...

I agree with suburbia... great picture. You have such a knack at finding the right one... wonder where you find them...