Thursday, 31 July 2008

Massive spaz....

This post is true...

I did not tell Bag about this slight oversight from last weekend but whilst getting VX52 ready for wedding car detail I absent mindedly put fabric softener in his washer bottle instead of screen wash. Glass smells really great when I dip the wipers but then it kinda goes a bit smeary.

Sometimes I am amazed I have reached 36 at all.


Anonymous said...

even if you hadn't already told me this story...

I am not one bit suprised..

..and neither was my wife when I 'done you up like a kipper'

BS5 Blogger said...

See,I like that!

Anonymous said...


scargosun said...

I am giggling off my chair.

Anonymous said...

Stranger still...

I don't actually posses any fabric softener

BS5 Blogger said...

Bag, I can't even justify it and say I mistook a bottle at your house (as you say, you had none) I did this via my own kitchen!