I have had a pleasant Friday. Best of all I parked up in J.S (sainsbury's) tonight and had a RIGHT old chat with my brother and that was my favourite thing of all today!
I started my day in Herefordshire (folks' garden is pictured) and left for work at a suitable hour. Alas, I had left the keys to VX52 at my house so I had to go home first and collect those. It was nice to see my house this morning. Work was diligent but wah, wah, wah other than a leaving do at the local and a stolen word or two with 3PW in a very full pub. I worked reasonably hard until about 5.05 when the clutch foot hovered. 3PW left the leaving do to see a supplier and went from there to a party in Liverpool and she and I have texted to and fro' this last hour or two. Fine woman that she is.
I am very glad it is the weekend. Bed follows quite soon and then I will attend to a Post Office job app' in the morning. I posted about this job last night and the comments went totally MENTAL! :)
What are you doing, and which of you is Miss Moneypenny?
Good evning BS5, thought we had lost you to pastures new for a while as you had been very quiet today
glad you've had a so so day!
So nice to say that your best bit of the day was chatting to your brother.
Sounds like you have made progress with 3PW ;)
Have a good weekend
ps who is miss M anyway?!
How quick were you?!
Not quiet; can't view blog at work (boo-hiss) and obligatory Friday pints after work.
Day was better than so so; a 3PW kiss would have made it GREAT but even so it was vastly more than so so. How was your day?
Are you sure you are not just BS9?
as to the question who I am....that is for me to know and you to find out, I am a very shy, retiring person not fond of letting down my guard.
I could be a nutter or just an admirer from far.....who knows old chap?!
Hey Sub, you are a CLEVER commenter! Thanks for the line on senior Bro'; indeed it was so.
You have a top w.e too. Plans?
I have just read your comment below and BS 9 is not thank you very much.
I'd vote for nutter personally.
wrong I'm afraid, good effort though suburbia, 50-50 chance to get it correct!
will leave you to to get with you chats. will not interfere this evening
Okay, here we go....Miss M - are you a retail manager with M&S in Bucks/Herts? I think you may be!
Sub', noted and the usual respects extended....
I do work for someone going by the letter M so you may be warm but to say yes or no would give the game away......
Miss M - all callers are welcome and valued, and no *interference* is ever perceived on comments here at BlogBS5. Stay as long as you wish (please), you are welcome and valued...
that is indeed kind of you dear sir but I have other tasks to attend this fine evening I am afraid
so nice to talk to you again, keep that chin up, glad your day finished on a high
you have a good old weekend
Miss M,
And you, you worker for 'M'.
Pax tecum.
I will leave you with a thought this evening BS5:-
Our lives are not determined by what happens to us but by how we react to what happens, not by what life brings to us, but by the attitude we bring to life. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. It is a catalyst, a spark that creates extraordinary results
Good night
Miss M - I like the spark in your thought.
Have a peaceful evening.
Seems someone had a secret bloggy admirer. I am sure that you will figure out who it is BS5 as you have been very clever at picking out when I make a mistake and use a full name in stead of an initial. :)
Hi Scargosun! How was your 4th of July?
Hi BS5 - pleased to hear your day went well, hope your weekend is good too.
Miss Moneypenny - quoteland.com?
f36 - afraid not, I have several inspirational leadership books that I read each and every day
Now, are you f36 or F36 I wonder?
You are far too clever f36, I see I need to get up earlier to attempt to catch you out!
Posted twice at the same time - you seem quite clever too!
that is very spooky, I can confirm the REAL miss moneypenny wrote the first and an imposter wrote the 2nd......looks like we both have doppelgangers stalking us.......
Miss M
The thought of anything supernatural makes my blood chill..... they say courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death - but there would be no hope for me if anything frightening happened!
You should take chances and make mistakes. That is how you grow. Pain nourishes your courage. You have to fail in order for you to practice being brave
Miss M
Very philosophical!
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