Monday, 26 January 2009

Wardrobe speed.

This weekend I achieved a goal I had put into the planning stage some four and a half years ago. It involved a tall wardrobe that was in the house when I moved in. I just utilised it and it took up a load of perfectly good space.

Inspired towards action at 7am on Saturday I took a hammer to it and dismantled it with 6 good whacks in strategic places. I put a bedside table in its place that came from Ma and Pa and had been in the 2nd spare room for a year. This was not the speediest execution of a plan but I am glad it has reached completion. I seem to have tons more space and light in my room now. The tablecloth was given to me most kindly by one of the women at church and I even gave it a lick of the iron.

It's bathroom completion next, and that might be done by 2011!


My Wonderful Little Designs said...

you do realise when project bathroom commenced... around June 2005!!! I was in Turkey with my housemate - and Bag stayed home to help out with your bathroom! Come on mate - progress is slow!

Suburbia said...

Nice room BS5 ;)

Anonymous said...

Dear Hammer,

You have done good. Enjoy the rest. See you in 2011.
