Sunday, 2 March 2008

Le Rosbif and a Lily.

A fine and bright morning in BS5, full of potential!

I woke at half six and listened to the radio a little bit and then ironed a shirt for today and all those for work next week. After that I put the washing on and prepped a fabulous joint of topside beef. A la Jamie Oliver, I sealed it first in the frying pan and it is now roasting with some garlic added, some roughly cut onions and a little wine. This will all be done by about 10 a.m and will rest to perfection by twenty past. It will be nice to have a Sunday roast ready to go later on in the afternoon, with beef to warm up and top roast potato action plus the trimmings. Time you were cooking it for someone else too', my Dad would no doubt say!

Mothering Sunday and I left a 'Kafir Lily' hidden at Ma and Pa's yesterday morning which I am confident my mother will find later on.

I suspect the day will unfold in the usual Sunday fashion; Church, The Swan with Two Necks and an idle evening thereafter (with a bit of shoe cleaning thrown in).

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