Friday, 11 January 2008

You should go!

I think Peter Hain will not last the month, and nor should he.

His excuses are specious and like those of a first former at school. To come into office under Gordon right after a decade long premiership where Tony was the first serving PM to be questioned by the rozzers (the office has been there since 1731 and had not been marked by the filth until 2007) on Cash For Honours, and then not be totally bullet proof on his own accounts is poor form. In fact it's vulgar. If you hold two cabinet jobs and put the un-traceability of 100 grand down to the pressures of office then frankly you are a cunt. Go now!

I think my folks have met PH a few times on the social scene and I recall my Dad saying 2 years ago that he thought PH was an ignorant sort of a chap. They might have met him at Foxy Christine's - now there's a whole topic - she is a complete fox!

Anyhow, I hope he goes - he sounds like a wanker.

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