Monday, 8 December 2008

Top Sci Fi drama!

This morning whilst not going for a run (it is frosty as you like and pretty cold) I found out that 'The Day the Earth Stood Still' has been remade and is due out this week!

Now how wrong can you go with that? It is bound to have a spaceship in it, may feature a car chase and also has this fine actress in it! This is Jennifer Connelly and she is quite easy to look at. And she's older than me (born in 1970) which is cool as so many foxy cinema women these days were born in 1980 something.


Anonymous said...

I does look 'a smart'

BS5 Blogger said...

Agreed- even with Keanu using all two of his facial expressions.

Saz said...

its the fact Keanu reeves is in it that ap[peals to me..

Anonymous said...

Hey... what's wrong with 1980 something?

scargosun said...

I can't watch that stuff. It scares me.

BS5 Blogger said...

Nothing wrong with the 1980s Alaina :)

Scargosun - you aren't really scared by sci fi,are you? I can understand George Bush scaring you but not some dude in a movie!