Thursday, 4 December 2008

That's illogical...

This morning, with the house back to myself I have been catching up on blog stuff and movie trailers. I hadn't got round to seeing the trailer for the new Star Trek movie, and I'm quite excited about it. Here is the new Mr Spock. He looks quite like Leonard Nimoy, so that's cool. Apparently he's one of the dudes from Heroes which (amazingly) I never got into.


Saz said...

so l don't suppose you've been watching Mr zulu in the jungle either...

BS5 Blogger said...

No, no idea what you're on about there, Saz...

Cannwin said...

he's the creepy bad guy you'd wish would just drop dead in Heroes, but I think he'll make a good Spok, I'm excited... that is... I mean... if I watched Star Trek I would be... *looks around suspiciously*

BS5 Blogger said...

You get cooler and cooler!


Wanderlust Scarlett said...

I think it's sacrilegious to recast the original crew. Absolute gross irreverence.

C'est la vie. Hollywood will do anything for money. Oldest profession in the world... right?


Scarlett & Viaggiatore

BS5 Blogger said...

Good shout and largely agree, but at least they have done it with merit for Mr. Spock!