Tuesday, 23 December 2008


Had a strange dream early this morning - a career change and I became a Florist!

It was a nice business to get into as I dreamed, and seemed to be a successful one too.

I wonder what it means?


Liz Hinds said...

It's your female side expressing itself ... in big pink roses.

BS5 Blogger said...

See, there was always a danger of this interpretation!

Suburbia said...

I think you make the perfect florist ;)

Merry Christmas!

BS5 Blogger said...

And also to you!

Thank you...

Anonymous said...

oooh you'd be surrounded by beautiful things and smells all day... I think it would be nice! And... you'd meet a lot of women, as I believe they purchase the majority of flowers. Think about that!

BS5 Blogger said...

Alaina that's a good thought! My Florist shop (in my dream) had one customer only, but she was happy with the store.

Anonymous said...

happy with the "store"?

BS5 Blogger said...

Yeah, I had a florist shop in my dream and while I was dreaming it, one customer came in and liked the visit.

Suburbia said...


Wanderlust Scarlett said...

It means that everyone will be glad to see you when you come with a delivery, no matter *what* is going on their lives.

Go be a florist, it's one of your best ideas yet.

Have a wonderful Christmas!

Scarlett & Viaggiatore