Saturday, 13 September 2008

Dita Von Teese reads BlogBS5

Here I am back in BS5 after a really happy week spent at home. I got back on Friday for a mixed day: 3-6 was a 10 year celebration of a memorial garden at my church so it was all cream teas, washing up, shifting tables and chatting to nice older folk. Then it was a surprise do at the Rhubarb for Cas's 55th. His lovely daughter organised it and in a rare Rhubarb moment the pub was chocca with stunning women, some of whom I actually chatted to! I got in at 2 having executed some pretty shocking disco dancing and chatted like a mad thing.

Talking of stunning women, in my week at home I discovered who Dita Von Teese is. I thought she was some actress from the 1900s who would be brown bread by now, but it turns out she's this fabulously curvy attractive woman who is very much alive. And very easy indeed to look at too. And she's just like BS4 too. I will be in a right old dilemma if Erin O'Connor comes round for tea and then Dita VT also rings me for a date.

For the very few of you who are keen to know the result of my thrilling MPG calcs (see previous post) VX52 got home on a full tank (all 144lbs of it) and his MPG was only 1.4 miles lower than runing nearly empty. There goes my scientific credibility.


scargosun said...

I am a woman and I can tell you she is defintely hot. Her slightly odd other claim to fame was what she was married to Marilyn Manson. Ick.
Glad you had a good week!

Suburbia said...

Like BS4 you say? And you gave that up?!!
Anyway, glad to have you back. I thought you'd been a bit quiet. But back on form as always I see!
Good day?

(Thanks for your comment by the way) :)

Anonymous said...

: ) : )

You just made my day - thank you!


realblonde said...

Ha, got the hang of this now! Walshy, I'm with you on the miles-per-gallon post. zzzzzz. : )


BS5 Blogger said...

Realblonde, you know you love it!!

I'll email you separately about London and next week!

Anonymous said...

Hi there, I came to your blog via my blog chum Scargosun.

I read a book by Dita Von Teese in Waterstones once, she is hot, but you would have to consider installing some serious clothes storage, if she became your main squeeze. I imagine it would take about 18 wardrobes just to house her voluminous collection of basques and sit-in bird cages.

It would make a wonderful wedding though ;).

BS5 Blogger said...

Welcome! I like Scargosun's blog too - always very caring of those she knows; a nice woman altogether.

Well now, I did not know DTV had such a large amount of dresses. She seems to wear very little most of the time, which is rather nice. If she becomes my main squeeze I would be okay for *some* wardrobe space but not all of it. Mind you, if Erin O'Connor beats Dita to it, that would be equally space hungry too. Hmm.

Anonymous said...

Time for a visit to Ikea for some space saving devices, then you could have Erin and Dita. You would have to build separate wings onto your house though, in case of arguments.