Thursday, 18 October 2007

Swedish dining.

Had meatballs for dinner - from Ikea! A right Geographic jigsaw; frozen Swedish meatballs with instructions in 12 languages on the back, and then sent to Bristol.

Anyhow, cooked 'em as instructed and had them with smoked bacon, peppers, chopped chilli, chopped tomatoes , pasta and coriander , and Cabernet Sauvignon. Fine dining rather topped off by ST: First Contact and a loaf on the sofa!

The copper-chopper is alive and well hovering over Barton Hill tonight - no doubt some top criminal action is alive and well in BS4, and the chopper is hanging safe in BS5 watching the Bath Road drama - those BS4 types are a criminal lot.

Cheers as ever to top man Walshy ( for Blog advice tonight...


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