Saturday, 27 October 2007


With all good intention I was going to go for a run last night and then stay in but alas (hooray) , my beer-light came on and I had 4 beers with the chaps in The Rhubarb. Home for a pleasant evening after that and a decent curry.

I am going for a run this morning instead. I have bounced out of bed at 8.05, put the washing on and now I am off for a very ungainly sort of a lollop around BS5. Then it's a bit of Saturday domestics and house tidying!

Not sure about how much pavement running to do and should really stick to grass for the sake of my shins. Two of the chaps in the pub have said they will come along to Circuits with me on Monday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And knees fella too. I reckon that few months of gym work I did on the treadmill was at the root of my current knee pain. So be careful!