Wednesday, 20 August 2008


Okay, I'm on a Kylie thing now; three posts on the trot and thinking RIGHTLY about that as I head for bed. Heck, indulge me!

I'm sure Kylie is thinking the same about me!

I'll be back to normal tomorrow, honest.


Suburbia said...

Hee hee!

BS5 Blogger said...

Oh yes indeed! :)

Suburbia said...

But you're still here!

BS5 Blogger said...

(Kylie is doing her teeth and faffing about, that's all - she'll be out of the bathroom and along soon)

Suburbia said...

You make me giggle!

BS5 Blogger said...

Well I am glad about that! You make Blogging a very addictive affair.

Kylie says Clarke has to sleep in the spare room. Dilemma....

Suburbia said...

Poor old Clarke, surely you can't do that to such a faithful friend!

BS5 Blogger said...

(Told Kylie that Clarke hails from the coast of Western Oz - she's cool about him hopping in too - result!)

Have told Clarke to put fins over eyes if KM becomes amorous.

Suburbia said...


Sadly I must go to bed myself now :)
Speak tomorrow, had a great time!

BS5 Blogger said...

Sleep well!

'If?' Ha ha, thanks for that kind exasperation! :)


Suburbia said...

Not an exasperation. You told Clarke to put fins over eyes IF things got too hot!
Surely not if but when?!

PS. I bet he peeks ;)

BS5 Blogger said...

I will blog the whole thing tomorrow!

Kylie's at me not to listen to the midnight headlines in 2 minutes' time but to switch off the radio RIGHT now...gotta scoot!


BS5, KM (and C).... x