Saturday, 23 August 2008


Just home from yet another wedding. It was top-smart (including some fantastic looking women!) and I will Blog about it later.

This post is to tell you that I picked up a hitcher on the way back along the M4 (pictured) and drove him a good few miles to Bristol where he hitched again to get to wherever he needed to be. I pick up hitchers now and again and my friend Walshy says I am mental and will get stabbed to death one day. That wouldn't do for the seats in VX52. Anyhow, this time the hitcher didn't look like a murdering psychopath so I gave it a go and we nattered about Summer festivals and "like the whole music scene, dude"


Suburbia said...

Glad you had some 'eye candy' this weekend ;)

Good for you picking up hitchers. It's a long time since I hitched but it was fun!

Insane Mama said...

I pick up hitchers once in a while too. Everyone gives me a hard time about it as well

Saz said...

LOL..what does a murdering psycopath look like.....just in case! LOL