Thursday, 2 July 2009

Exeter St Raining

Off to the Seaside again today (nearly) . Exeter is my destination and I think I will run into a wall of rain that stretches all down the west coast of Ireland this morning, and is on its way up through the south west. Welcome, cool rain in Bristol by this afternoon, I hear.

As I am off to Exeter I am on a main line train to Plymouth so it will be fast and cool unlike the slow hot train to Weymouth earlier in the week.

On an unrelated topic I cooked roast lamb yesterday but intentionally let it cool off to have cold with salady stuff last night; my brother who lives 6,000 miles away and misses roast lamb was aghast at not eating in hot! Fab' sarnies for lunch today, though!

This picture is clearly not Exeter but is a summer storm in Sarajevo - found it on Google.


Suburbia said...

Waiting for the rain vid'.....

D'ang said...

To say nothing of a report on Exeter's best pavements, eh, Sub?

BS5 Blogger said...

Oh, aren't you two quite the witty ones? :)

Suburbia said...
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Suburbia said...

That vid' is in the pipeline D'ang, BS5 must have just got a bit distracted .......