Sunday, 24 August 2014

Ice Bucket foolishness

2014 has been quite the year for charities getting wise to the power of social media.

You know how it goes, do something silly and foolish, upload it to Facebook,  nominate a couple of your mates to do the same and into the bargain donate to charity - a good idea.

Naturally when Cancer Research UK rocketed the trend with the No Make Up Selfie in March, I did not get nominated (and they raised £7m). However, the latest ice bucket challenge has reached BS5 as it favours boys and girls equally . Kersploooooooosh with cold water and donate to charity to do so, then nominate two or three mates to do the same. Young Thomas Walsh nominated me along with his mum and little sister after he did his, and in turn I have nominated two good University mates and SiL's son!  Here is the video I uploaded.

Once I was dry I donated £3 via a text message to Macmillan Cancer Support.

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