Friday, 25 December 2009

Festive recycling.

My brother and I must be the most uncoordinated and gangly people in
England so we ventured on to Ma and Pa's drive (icy as you like) so I
could get into the recyling bin (he's called Hikaru) . I was trying to
make space after happy wrapping paper filled it up this lunchtime!

Happy days!


Saz said...

the bin man!!!

Happy or should say hoppy christmas pal!

BS5 Blogger said...

The same to you, FFF :-) x

Suburbia said...


(or is that some ancient custom in Herefordshire? If so will I be made to perform the same ritual on 29th?!)

BS5 Blogger said...

Now there's an idea!


BS5 Blogger said...

Now there's an idea!


Anonymous said...

heh! That's a stitch!

D'ang said...

Richard wasn't falling.

The bin was just hiccuping.

Suburbia said...

D'ang.......... And your point is???


D'ang said...

Nothing at all.

But just in case, I shall go and stand in the corner. With my head bowed.