Tuesday, 10 November 2009

The Nine Hundred.

As it happens post 900 is about my digital radio! It's a complete
bonus when I am away from home and have thought to pack it.

You can be in a random hotel room and most times can plug in, and
tune in to a plethora of digital stations, though I rarely heave far
from Radio 4 or The World Service.

It is nice to take these things along, as well as 'Today' from six
o'clock in the waking morning of another hotel.

As I type I am listening to a programme about 'Peak Oil' a documentary
about being in, or having passed World peak production.

I like my well travelled radio.


dandelion said...

900! You made me hold my breath long enough...

BS5 Blogger said...

Thank you! I am very flattered that you read these musings! :-) x

Suburbia said...

At last!!!What's its'name?

word verification says 'snoosee', it must be telling me something :)

Anonymous said...

So geeky for your 900th! Well done.

BS5 Blogger said...

The model is called 'One' so perhaps I'll call him Neo?

Suburbia said...

Ah! Shame it's not black, could be Trinity!

BS5 Blogger said...

Oooof! :-) x

D'ang said...

Don't forget 'Thought for the Day.' Top R4 woolly blathering about imaginary friends by assorted simpletons, fakes and lunatics.

Oh yes.

Cannwin said...

Congratulations on 900. You must tell me now... after so many posts, why do you blog? After 900 posts it's pretty clear you are motivated by something so what is it? Posterity? Journalling? Enjoyment? Just a hobby? Just to keep the family up to date? I'm curious.

BS5 Blogger said...

Cannwin, I just enjoy it! I hope that's enough? Thank you for looking in this last year or so x

BS5 Blogger said...

Cannwin, I just enjoy it! I hope that's enough? Thank you for looking in this last year or so x

Cannwin said...

That is a perfectly acceptable answer. I was just wondering since 900 seems like alot of posts and surely there has to be some reason for it. I suppose when I get there it will be because I enjoy it as well.

BS5 Blogger said...

Well I met a fab' sort along the way too, and that was good.
Also I have a brother who lives in the far east so I like
to write it for his enjoyment too x

Cannwin said...

I started because everyone talked me into it... I keep it up because I enjoy it and I seem to be better at blogging than journaling.

Your blog is enjoyable and easy to read. Except sometimes when I'm trying to translate into American English, but that is fascinating as well. :)