Friday, 1 January 2010

My brother, the Artist!

Check out Wavey's take on TNG 'Best of Both Worlds , Pt II' in the
frozen windscreen of VX52 this evening!


Saz said...

as l'm currently overdosing on Battlestar gallactica...(too much time on my hands) in last four weeks am up to season 3 episode 2...not quite that means l'm seeing spaceships everywhere!!

is that the pegasus or Colonial one, dont know what the box is....?? am l warm?

Suburbia said...

A Borg Cube Saz!

(It was bloody freezing!)

Saz said...

oh dearie me a borg cube how silly... l forgot all about seven and her forgive...

verification word is reaDORKY!!LOL

walsharoo... said...

Rich: how can you allow uneducated comments like this through?
Wavey: The Enterprise looks like a baby on stilts, nice depiction though.


FFF: They find earth, it is long dead, then they decide to give up technology, become farmers and live on another planet, they call it earth and are our distant relatives, Gaius and 6 are actually angels...all along the watch tower is never explained...enjoy!

WE, are all robots...

Saz said...

SHit bum fuck...I hope walsharoo wasnt telling me what happens in series 4 which lve just picked up today...shall l not bother watching it then......shit bum fuckk...

now l know what that word l keep seeing around IMDB means...spoliers!!!!

BS5 Blogger said...

Oh no!

Haven't seen it so can't say!

BS5 x