Saturday, 20 June 2009

Birthday Bristol.

About a year ago I sent this virtual bouqet of flowers to a blog pal. 365 days later and it's here again so I shall have to see what to do about it in 2009! Happy birthday to you, Suburbia!

I am home this weekend after what felt like a long week away (because it was) .

I visited two of my eight store that require overnighters and a good deal of train travel . One is in Derbyshire and one is in county Gwynedd (North Wales) . They are both many stops from Bristol but the pleasant part is that when I stay over, I stay in a family run place in Derbyshire and an old Railway hotel at Llandudno. Each is nice, characterful and relaxing and not anything like the functional but soulless experience of a Travelodge. The store visits were constructive too, and I enjoyed (to some degree) the 22 stop train journey home last night.

I was pleased to get home and take a pint with the chaps. Whilst drinking it (and some others) my brother emailed me from Manila to tell me he was home safe via HK, having spawned an upgrade to Biz' class.

This picture is a goods train I clocked during the week. I tried to imagine how many matches it would make but couldn't really think of a big enough number, settling instead on 'lots' . I like the way the tops of the arches peak out from the top of the logs.


Suburbia said...

Lots of logs on a Top Fast Train, what more could a girl ask for on her birthday?! Thank you BS5 ;)

(good to know you're home)

BS5 Blogger said...

You are welcome!

D'ang said...

That's rather a good photo!

Not so much 'spawned' as blagged -- the ol' technique of sit myself down in biz class and look as if I am meant to be there. When biz class is over 50% full the cabin staff seldom count to see the numbers are right.

Happy birthday, Sub! Though from what I hear - when it comes to 'what more could a girl want' - the answer is 'a bucket of cider.' But that might just be a cruel rumor.

ps. The verification for this comment was 'mentyl.' Telling indeed.

BS5 Blogger said...

It is a fun pic', huh? The train rumbled past very excitingly. The day before at Temple Beans was rather good too - a goods train slowed, braked and then accelerated and that always sends a judder that goes like a nosy, clanking wave right through all the cars from start to end. it's top smart!

Funny as f**k on the bucket of cider line! Laughing all the way to the next Blog-post from herself!

Suburbia said...

That is indeed how cruel rumors are started D'ang! Thanks for the birthday wishes :-)x

(not sure what you mean about the verification!)

scargosun said...

I love a good train ride. I got to do a good deal of it when I was in HS to get to the city. Also, just interesting. I live near a Gwynned and a North Wales here in the US. I know, you guys had it first. :)

BS5 Blogger said...

Hi Scargosun! I think there is a Bristol in the USA as well; can't recall where though!

Suburbia said...

By the way (both of you).......

15 pints does not equal a bucket ;)

D'ang said...

Ah. I see you are an expert on the matter, Sub.

There's a surprise.

Suburbia said...

Hee, hee, but which is the greater D'ang, do tell?!