Tuesday 28 April 2009

99, please!

Well now, I think today is day 99 for Barack O', and one before the big 100 tomorrow, which will no doubt see acres of press coverage.

I wonder if Barack O will run down Pencilsharpener Ave. and flag down an Ice Cream van for a 99.

Do Americans have ice cream vans, I wonder? Do they have the 99?

Maybe that Swine flu thingy is more in his in tray than ice cream.


Suburbia said...

What flavour were the blue and yellow stripes, and can I have one for breakfast?

BS5 Blogger said...

You have weird breakfast taste! I'll be back to you ref' the flavours...

Cannwin said...

We do have ice cream men... they come down the roads with little music playing. They are pretty rare anymore though. I haven't seen one in several years. It's a pretty small town thing anymore.

As for a 99 cent cones (first off I don't have a key on my computer that gives me the cent sign... do you?) I'd say probably somewhere, but not likely... at McDonalds you can get a kids cone for free but they are REALLY tiny.

And regarding swine flu... my friend and I were laughing about it, swine flu, bird flu, we should just go around with masks on our faces it's safer evidently.

Saz said...

unusual flavour for a 99!!
you have time for a break fast eh??

love ice cream, my fave is currently strawberry cheese cake any variety...

Suburbia said...

Perfect breakfast flavour Saz :)