Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Stan the pan

It's Wednesday and for the last couple of days, Wednesday was hoving into view with a sort of a feeling for a chilli.

That is what I have been prepping these last 90 minutes and it's a bit of a cheeky one!

It has been a pleasant sort of a day with plenty of things on the to do list looked at if not actually crossed off.


Saz said...

gosh, you must have a complicated recipe for chilli, the fastest dish in the west, well central america actually.
what take 90 minutes??? LOL

BS5 Blogger said...

Well, lots of careful chopping time, then adding wine at key intervals and just watching over it until it is just right and will then do its own thing in the pot!

Suburbia said...

Yum :)

BS5 Blogger said...

There's enough left for breakfast too!

Anonymous said...

for fuck sake!