Monday, 5 September 2016

The Dorset County Show.

This weekend was a family and friends get-together based around the Dorset County Show. We made a weekend of it!

As August rolled into September and 'back to school' approached, the atmosphere at the show-ground was a last summer weekend of carefree larks. Our beach walk was rain soaked and bracing. Our journeys were on slow, easy roads.

Into the car on Saturday morning with Jemma and Boris-dog: one quick errand dropping off a guest hound and then onwards to the slow roads to Dorset. I drove, Jemma navigated, Boris snoozed.  We headed to friends of Jemma's at Long Bredy. From there, we added extra hounds and headed out in the sheeting rain to Burton Bradstock to meet Ma and Pa for a beach walk and tea and cake at The Hive Cafe. The rain was such that Ma and Pa and my super Aunt volunteered to secure a table at the cafe and wait for us - we returned soaked right through but feeling (or trying to feel) magnanimous about our walk, and to a welcome slice of cake.

Sunday show day! Seven people and one hound all met up for the day. I love a country / county show. All the right ingredients are there: tractors, combine harvesters, dogs, cows, sheep, giant vegetables, food stalls, pork pies, baking competitions and general larks. It was  a fabulous summer catch up as you can see below. I was tempted by the £433, 000 combine - a steal of a price because it was an ex-demonstrator.

Happy family days.

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