Saturday, 13 September 2014

A country show

I do enjoy a country show and the Dorset County show was the last hurrah of the summer.  It took place last weekend and I attended with my mum and dad, aunt and uncle, first cousin and her son Lucas, who is a terrific ball of fun at 4 years old.

Before I attended, I had a tick list of show stuff that I wanted to see (detailed in the previous post). As tick lists go, it was a good haul and I added to it unexpectedly too!

Here are some pictures from the day. The start was just fine with the last run of the summer special train from Bristol to Weymouth. A weekend off and it started with a geeky Class 43. I rode the one pictured here but liked my attempt at artistry by snapping another one through the window.

Various other pics: giant veg, tractors, a beer tent, the big wheel and hairy piglets!


Dandelion said...

Are they eating chips in the pic? Did you do sth naughty to make your aunt scowl? Definitely a whiff of back story here. Sth like threatening to throw her portion to the birdies as a gesture of royalty to RSPB...

BS5 Blogger said...

Hello there Dandelion. It is a scowl isn't it? No back story, just sisters in law eating chips together!

As if I could do anything naughty?