Monday, 28 September 2009

At Carlisle

As you may know, my brother and his good pal C.A are cycling Land's End to John O'Groats, or LEJOG as they now refer to it.
You can follow their Blog from the link to the right of this post (Bars and Handlebars)

They stayed with me last week here in BS5 - it was on Thursday. This evening they are in Carlisle which is bloody great going over the weekend! Scotland tomorrow or the day after, I guess.

I am pretty impressed at thier pace on a bike and their pace with fund raising; they are £700 shy of raising TEN grand!

Here's to you, chaps...

1 comment:

Saz said...

Ah missed 'em then, bum...good going though...did they populate the Kings Head perchance?