Monday, 15 August 2016

From Uganda to BS5

One of my favourite errands here in BS5 is a wander to The Sweetmart. It's a happy grocery store near here and the walk to it takes in the cycle path, a good train spotting stop (!) and just the sunny, kind disposition of Easton, my neighbouring part of Bristol. It's a fine task.

I wandered there today because the week has started warm and sunny, so the errand sort of presented itself. I was also on a mission to use stock from the weekend cooking as the base for a leek and potato soup, so that was the extent of my shopping list.

The Sweetmart has its reduced to clear section, just like any good store and today my soup ingredients were right there. Spot on!  The Sweetmart started in around 1972 after the expulsion of Ugandan Indians and Asians by Idi Amin and the family's arrival in BS5.

What I enjoyed most of all todaywas the change in atmosphere that is always present as you walk into St Mark's Road and past The Sugarloaf. People look you in the eye and smile or nod - traffic is considerate, cyclists are plentiful and not too speedy, people are relaxed. There are fine places to eat and to wander -  churches, mosques, Christians, Muslims and all manner of people just mix along together in the colourful street. There's always activity and commerce and people working hard and yet it is infectious and relaxing all at the same time.

Pictures from this pleasurable outing today:

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