Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Holiday snaps.

At home, week off and currently watching The X Files.

Love it!

This must constitute profitable use of time off?

I did have a load of stuff out of the loft and at the tip before half
eight so I think I have earned a bit of sofa time.

Note the dinosaur to the left of the tv; might lark about with that too.


Gymbunny said...

Look forward to seeing progress on bathroom tomorrow, BS5!

BS5 Blogger said...

Astounded you will be, young Skywalker...

Saz said...

I read this really fast and thought it said 'prostitutes' instead of ...
constitutes profitable....silly me...

Suburbia said...

No tip lorry action shots? Shame x

BS5 Blogger said...

Missed a trick there, Suburbia!