Thursday, 26 May 2011

The 43 List!

I have started to make a list and a very geeky list it is too! The list has about 198 pairs and therefore nearly 400 separate entries and so far although I have seen about 200 I have only noted 4! It's very socially backwards and very exciting too.

The mega entry is unique and yellow.

It is ex-service, it is bright and it covers the whole UK each fortnight testing track (43013/14!)

I have seen it three times.

Get in!


Suburbia said...

Give me strength!!!

(word verification = SAS man! Omg they know!!)

BS5 Blogger said...


You know you love it, and you were excited about trains at Sandy yourself last Summer....

:-) xx

Suburbia said...


D'ang said...

It's a wonder the world media isn't beating a path to this blog to get set straight on what's really going on...

Anonymous said...