Wednesday, 20 October 2010


Every six weeks or so I pitch up at my head office to do a bit of work. Working there is civilised and pleasant , and the office runs a minibus for free each morning and evening to the outlying villages.

I was on the minibus tonight (headed for my b and b) and heard two fellas having a chat about a parcel from Amazon:

'What have you got there?'

'Two copies of the fungi of Switzerland!'

Blimey! That was random.

I mean did he buy it twice or are there sufficient mushrooms in Switzerland for a two volume exploration?


Suburbia said...

Hope it was a big parcel, else there might not have been mushroom...

BS5 Blogger said...

Hooray! :-)

D'ang said...

Oooh! You beat me to it, only I was going to say he had two volumes cos there wasn't mushroom in the first.

There's a program about the national grid on tonight. Rumour is that if you look at the power lines from a certain angle you can see the face of Kahless.